
Heritage Advisory Committee

Meet the diverse and passionate members of the Metropolitan Memorial Parks Heritage Advisory Committee, preserving our memorial parks.

We are proud to introduce the inaugural members of the Metropolitan Memorial Parks HAC. 

Our HAC members will help us to provide expert advice on conservation and management of heritage items; and ensuring Aboriginal heritage is managed consistent with the social and cultural values of respectful exchange, community and undertaking duties with the dignity of First Peoples.

Nigel Corne

Nigel Corne


Nigel Corne has been a Chair and Director for over two decades with experience in the Health and Internment, Tourism, Higher Education, Franchising and investment industries throughout Australasia. His expertise includes risk management, conflict resolution and business transformation while focussing on sustainability growth. Experience includes NSW and ACT Government Statutory boards, Managing Director of Tourism Hotels and Leisure Limited, National Chair of the Australian Hotel Association, Chair of Heritage Advisory Committee, Rookwood General Cemetery. Nigel is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, has a Bachelor of Engineering degree, is an Accredited Mediator and has Finance and Social Governance qualifications. He is currently President/Chair of Arthritis NSW, Governing Board Member, Australian International Institute of Higher Education, Director at Canberra Memorial Parks and is Chair of the Heritage Advisory Committee, Metropolitan Memorial Parks NSW.

Julian Siu

Julian Siu

Committee Member

Julian Siu is a Principal at GML Heritage Pty Ltd, and a heritage subject matter expert with over 15 years’ experience providing strategic and pragmatic solutions for conservation, management and development projects involving diverse heritage places, including parks and spaces/places of remembrance. Being from a Chinese ethnic background, he is keenly aware of the need to recognise and incorporate multi-faith/non-denominational spaces and practices into cemeteries, and the long term and evolving community attitudes towards burials and cremation. As part of the Heritage Advisory Committee, he contributes his knowledge, expertise and experience to the strategic, sensitive and uniquely personal heritage/conservation issues and long term land management matters for cemetery spaces located on Crown lands in and around Sydney.

Siobhan Lavelle

Siobhán Lavelle

Committee Member

Dr Siobhan Lavelle OAM is an Historical Archaeologist, Historian, and Heritage Consultant. Her career began at the NSW National Trust in the 1980s, before commencing a consultancy assisting the private sector, government, and community groups. Between 1990 and 2004 several projects attracted State and National heritage awards. In 2008 she received a National Trust Commendation for service as a member of the Cemeteries Conservation Committee. She has now been on that committee for 40 years and is the current Chair. Siobhan has been a Trustee/Board Member at Rookwood Necropolis and Cemeteries and Crematoria NSW. From 2003 to 2021 she worked in the NSW government as the Senior Historical Archaeologist and the Listings Manager for State Heritage Register items and Aboriginal Places. She has a Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) awarded in 2009: ‘For service to historical archaeology and heritage conservation, particularly the preservation of colonial roads and cemeteries.’ Siobhan is passionate about the appreciation and activation of cemeteries as a public resource with a diverse and rich character. She is pleased to contribute her skills to assist MMP with work on the conservation of significant heritage, not only for ourselves in the present, but also for future generations.