
Metropolitan Memorial Parks unveils new Crown cemeteries community engagement committee

Metropolitan Memorial Park

23 September 2024

Communities will have greater input into the management of their local Crown cemetery to ensure high quality services following the appointment of a new community engagement committee by Crown cemetery operator Metropolitan Memorial Parks (MMP).


MMP manages Rookwood General Cemetery, Macquarie Park Cemetery and Crematorium, Frenchs Forest Bushland Cemetery, Gore Hill Memorial Cemetery, Woronora Memorial Park, Eastern Suburbs Memorial Park, Field of Mars Cemetery, and Sandgate Cemetery in Newcastle.


MMP’s new 23-member Community Engagement Committee is a two-way advisory body to engage with local communities and provide feedback to MMP about services and projects. Its members and Chair are listed online here: https://www.metropolitanmemorialparks.com.au/about/governance/community-engagement-committee


The Community Engagement Committee will liaise with communities for which MMP provides memorial and funeral services to identify and understand needs, issues, views and concerns, particularly about major initiatives and projects.


The community feedback the committee gathers will ensure MMP considers all environmental, social, cultural heritage or economic factors when making decisions, and provides consistent, efficient, fair and transparent management of its cemeteries and memorial parks.


The MMP Board must consider any matters raised by the committee, and the committee must also consider any matters referred to it by the MMP Board and report back as required.


MMP is one of two Crown cemetery operators in Sydney, and oversees about 400 hectares of cemetery space on Crown land, employs about 275 staff.

Crown operators are required to have a community advisory committee under the Cemeteries and Crematoria Act 2013.


Metropolitan Memorial Parks Chief Executive Officer Denise Ora said:

“The new Community Engagement Committee is made up of experienced and passionate community members who reflect the range of diverse communities who engage with our eight memorial park sites in Sydney and Newcastle.


“Crown cemeteries and memorial parks serve communities with varying cultural, religious, and personal needs, so the committee will provide an important platform to engage and provide insights and advice to ensure we make informed and balanced decisions that meet community needs and expectations.”


Minister for Lands and Property Steve Kamper said:

“Metropolitan Memorial Parks was established by the NSW Government from the merger of three former Crown cemetery operators to provide affordable and inclusive cemetery and crematoria services to all members of the community, regardless of their faith.


“MMP supports families when they are at their most vulnerable dealing with the loss of loved ones, so I congratulate it on establishing this committee to connect with communities where it operates